Manipulating Motivation

AUGUST 2ND, 2023


EPISODE 8: Manipulating Motivation

Do you ever feel like you get caught up in the whirlwind of other people's excitement? Finding yourself pumped up, motivated, ready to go, only to then feel like the moment they leave, you're left in the dust with no fuel in the car? Some of us are reliant on other people's motivation as a driving force of our own lives.

So, have you ever outsourced your own inner drive to motivational speakers, self help books, podcasts? Do their lofty promises and electrifying speeches still leave you stuck in the same rut, idling in place? Could it be that we're missing something vital about motivation?

In this episode, Dr. Scott hosts the remarkable Craig Harper, a respected educator, coach, TV presenter, author, and business owner. Prepare to explore the intriguing topics of meta-cognition, motivation, transcending mediocrity, and learning to waltz with failure and setbacks. Along the way, Craig shares deeply personal stories of transformation, the silver lining of crises, and why solitude deserves a seat at the head of the table.

If you’re ready to rethink the motivational mantras you’ve been chanting, question the value of some of the thought leaders you’ve been following and nudge yourself out of your comfort zone to create your own motivation, this episode is for you.

Topics we break down:

  • The power of mediocracy

  • The link between embodiment and confidence

  • The dangers of externalizing self-worth

  • Controversial cliches of motivational speaking

  • How to hear your own voice



Special Guest


B.Ex.Sci., PhD. Candidate

Craig Harper is one of Australia’s leading presenters, writers and educators in the areas of health, high-performance, resilience, self-management, leadership, corporate change, communication, personal transformation and more broadly, human behaviour. Craig has worked as an Exercise Scientist, Corporate Speaker and Consultant, University Lecturer, AFL Conditioning Coach, Radio Host, TV Presenter, Newspaper Columnist and successful Business Owner. He hosts a high-rating Podcast called ‘The You Project’, is the author of seven books and is currently completing a Ph.D. in Neuropsychology.



Your Host


Dr. Scott Lyons is a licensed holistic psychologist, educator and author of the book Addicted to Drama: Healing Dependency on Crisis and Chaos in Yourself and Others, with Hachette publishing. Scott is also the host of The Gently Used Human Podcast, a delightfully depthful and often hilarious exploration of what it is to be human, to have lived life, and come out gently used.

As a renowned body-based trauma expert, Doctor of Osteopathy (Spain) and Mind-Body Medicine specialist, Scott helps people to break free from cycles of pain, limited beliefs, and trauma. Scott is an innovator in transformative wellness and trauma therapy, teaching over half a million people internationally over the past twenty years how to relieve stress and restore vitality. Scott has worked with many of the country’s top leaders and CEOs as an executive coach and wellness consultant.  

Scott is the creator of The Embody Lab—the largest online learning platform for body-based trauma therapies—and developer of Somatic Stress Release™, a holistic process of restoring biological resilience, taught in over 20 countries. Scott is also the founder and progressive designer of Omala, a wellness brand dedicated to creating sustainably sourced tools for transformation.




About the Podcast


Dr. Scott Lyons and his world renowned guests take us into the delightfully depthful and often hilarious exploration of what it is to be human, to have lived life, and come out gently used. From passion to pain, glory to defeat, comedy to drama to tragedy, we’ve all been through it. This show unpacks the psychology and humor needed to keep you thriving on the roller coaster of being human.


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